Wednesday, November 30, 2005

God you are so awesome!

Chapel was incredible on Tuesday! It usually is really good, but Tuesday was different, I was really tired, and did not want to be there, I was there because I had to be. The worship time was upbeat and powerful! As Pastor John got up, I was settling down for a nap...(oops...did I say nap?) anyway, little did I know that I would be awake and alert for the whole service and God really spoke to me. The message was on the different names of God, and it was just so cool to see how many names God has and how powerful and big God is. I really think we take God for granted somtimes.
Then tonight, a friend of mine was leading D-Groups and was totally used by God, just said some things I really needed to hear at this point in the semester and time in my life. Thanks Missy!!
The semester is almost done...Keep your chin up everyone, we are almost at the end!!

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