Monday, October 07, 2013

a christmas gift for rose

This book I felt was a lot like other Amish books. I LOVE them so it is always a joy to go through and read another one. It was especially interesting because I have family in Ohio near Berlin and we travel through there when we go to visit. The book was a good love story about how someone went away to help at the military hospital but did not go against his religious beliefs and came back to the Amish community. It's like there are two stories in one and then they come together. The second part was the girl, who was adopted by Amish, so she was born and Englisher. It was a fantastic book about how people from two different communities but not, come together and see how God can use their situations and lives. The girl finds her brother, or rather, he finds her and lives in the Amish community with her family. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes any type of Amish story, or good love story. Definitely one I will be reading again and giving to my mom for Christmas, as she also loves the Amish area and remembers going to Berlin.