Monday, April 11, 2005

OK God I'm listening

Ok, after Missions week here at school I've felt God calling me into more of missions. I'm not neccessarily changing my program or anything like that. I'm not exactly sure where God is calling me, or when, or for how long. I am ready to go wherever He wants me to go. I'm scared sensless because I do not entirely know what that is going to mean in or for the future. I am really excited about my job this summer, as an intern youth pastor at my church. I cannot wait to see what God is going to do in and through me, as well as the teens, the staff, and the church as a body. I have been struggling lately with friends, there are some that are very controlling, and if you do not do something with them they will get mad. I am my own person though, I do not have to answer to them. I love them, but it is just frustrating. I have the choice of talking to this certain person and maybe jepordizing a friendship, or just not saying anything and going about my buisness, and doing my own thing, with them or with other friends. If you have any ideas of what to do it would be awesome if you could give me some advice.

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