Monday, July 07, 2014

I've Never Been to Vegas But My Luggage Has!

This book by Mandy Hale is so real and honest. She is such an inspiring woman to openly share about the hardships as a single woman, and so honest about her struggles in dating and life in general. I first heard about her on a interview thing from Pete Wilson and heard of her first book then saw that another one was released and had to get my hands on it. As a single 30 year old it is encouraging to hear from a sister in Christ about life as a single person and how someone else gets through it and just lives day to day as sometimes that can be extremely difficult. Sometimes, it's a moment by moment thing because you can't bear to think any further. Any single woman should read her book and just be encouraged not to settle for anything less and to pull in to God and not give yourself to anyone just so that you can "date" or get married. God has someone, and as hard as it is for me to say and see this at times, He will bring that person along when He is good and ready. This is a must read book for any single woman, of any age!

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