Monday, July 26, 2010

Fearless by Max Lucado

Have no fear! It’s easy to say but a lot harder to do. I’ve heard it said that in the Bible it says some sort of “Do not be afraid” phrase 365 times, one for each day of the year. This book couldn’t have come at a better time. As I start a new job and a new chapter in my life from just finishing school there is a lot of fear that I am facing. Lucado does such a great job bringing in scripture and practical illustrations that convey the message he is trying to get across.
This book is great for anyone to read. It is one that you want to take your time to go through and let each chapter sink in. It has taken me a couple of weeks to read through it but it has been so worth it. Definitely get out and get this book, even if you are not a Max Lucado fan you will get something out of this. This review was submitted for

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