Saturday, August 30, 2008


So, today has been kind of a frustrating day, so I'm going to share what God has blessed me with, these are just some of the things.

~ Christ who loves me for who I am
~ A family who loves and supports me
~ Awesome nieces and nephew who make me laugh
~ Friends who I miss dearly but I love so much
~ Mentors who give me a big kick in the butt when needed.
~ Co-workers who I am getting to know more and more and so excited about that.
~ A job that is incredible!
~ A roof over my head, food on the table, a bed to sleep in, central air in my house, more "things" than I could ever imagine, the technology to keep in touch with friends and continue school.

God has blessed me but at times I need to think about what He has blessed me with and praise Him for that.
Things are going not too bad, it's been busy lately, trying to finish up coursework and help move family. I am really enjoying my job and the girls I work with. I'm looking to see if God wants me at a new church or right where I'm at and also wanting to get plugged into a young adults small group. I'm waiting on God to reveal where these might be at and when I am supposed to go for it.

Keeping my feet dirty for Jesus!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hi Jenn,
Update! :D