Thursday, December 29, 2005

Enjoying the break!

Hey! It has been a great time at home! I had a busy but awesome Christmas; Christmas Eve my family went to church, I went and picked up my neices and we drove into church and then back out to my house to have snacks and family time, which is always a lot of fun! Christmas Day my dad had to wake me up...and my sister and her fiance came and we did stockings and gifts with them, and breakfast. I went and had a nap (something that usually doesn't happen for me on Christmas day)!! We went later on to my brother and sister-in-law's house for gifts with them and Christmas dinner. It was delicious! Boxing Day (for you american readers--the day after Christmas ;) ) My sister-in-law, mom and aunt went for a girls breakfast, and then went shopping! It was a lot of fun!!
I hope you are all having a great break and great time with family! How was your Christmas?

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