Well a lot has changed since my last post. I am living back at home after being at Bethany for a year and a half (since the last post). I felt a heavy calling from God to move home (I know...crazy! But it was God so I had to listen). I finished my fall semester and packed up leaving my best friends and the worlds best roommate to come home not knowing what God had in store for me. I am currently in school through Briercrest College and Seminary in Caronport SK Distance Ed and loving it but so ready to be finished!
I have an incredible job working at a girls home. www.newlifegirlshome.com The girls are great and I'm looking forward to getting to know them more as I continue my work/ministry there.
I am also looking for a place to do a 4 month internship for school. I would be doing it September 09-December 09 or even Aug-Dec. If you know of anything let me know.
I'm continuing to seek where God is leading me because some days it can seem very cloudy, and it isn't because of all the rain we've been having this summer.
Until next time,
Keep it real and get dirty for Jesus.
Wow - 2 years since your last post! I saw your updated info on facebook. :)
I checked but I was prompted by a note from you that I saw somewhere... could have been Messenger or Facebook.
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