Saturday, May 30, 2015

Life Changes...

There have been so many life changes recently it can be hard sometimes to know where to turn but I am thankful that I am hanging onto God's hand through it all. I watched the New Everyday ( episode today, which a friend of mine is one of the ones in it but she said something that really made me think. They were talking about Missions Trips and how we can do missions in our community and in our own country, or we can go overseas. Jenn was talking about when she was on a trip and how the place she was in, each person on the trip had a person from that country with them to walk beside them, sometimes they would just walk with them, other times they would hold out their hand so that you could grab it if you needed help and then there were times where they would grab your hand to guide you. Jenn shared how this taught her a lot about God. By hearing this it really spoke to me because there have been so many times where I have seen God walking beside me, sometimes holding out his hand, and then at times, grabbing my hand to pull me out of a pit. As I reflect on this and see where God has brought me it's been amazing to see how He has been there every step of the way, there have been times I obeyed diligently, and others when He has dragged me, kicking and screaming. In the end, He knew what was best for His daughter and I'm so glad He has brought me through each and every trial. I wouldn't be who I am today if I had not been through each trial, challenge, hardship, victory, etc. As I look back on graduating, even that is a huge victory that God brought me through and I wouldn't have graduated with the degree I did, from the university I did without His hand guiding my every step. I have a job that I love but waiting for God to bring the job that is perfect and where I'll be able to use the skills that He blessed me with and educated me with. Those are my thoughts for now... Enjoy.