I requested this dvd set because I am involved in Children’s ministry at my church and felt this would be so beneficial for kids of any age. I am a big fan of Max Lucado’s work and have heard many good things about “Hermie & Friends” but never seen any. Thanks to booksneeze for sending this to me to review! There is humor in this that adults will enjoy! Great family entertainment as well as impacting Christian lessons!
Milo the Mantis Who Wouldn’t Pray:
Milo learns that when you pray you don’t have to do anything special, use any fancy words to get God’s attention but that He is always listening and is with us all the time.
Buzby & The Grumble Bees:
Buzby’s neice and nephew come overnight and don’t have any manners at all but with the help of Buzyb’s friends they teach them how to behave the way God wants us to behave. Great lessons!
Hailey & Bailey’s Silly Fight:
Hailey and Bailey fight along with a few others in the garden but after they pray, God shows them that they are arguing over something silly and their initial plan was to help others but they got sidetracked. They learned that fighting can be silly, and that we need to love each other.
This is an incredible DVD set for ministry, and families. Great practical lessons for everyone to learn in a fun way. Each DVD has a sing a long song, colouring sheets, a story book and other features! A great tool for anyone that is around children!