Maxwell speaks very clearly on connecting with people and how to engage beyond a simple “hi, how are you?” He breaks the book up into two sections “Connecting Principles” and “Connecting Practices”. In the first section Maxwell shares with the readers how connecting increases our influence in every situation, how it is about others; it goes beyond words, always requires energy and is more a skill than a natural talent. The second section of connecting practices talks about connecting on a common ground, doing the difficult work of keeping it simple, creating an experience everyone enjoys, how connectors inspire people and how we as connectors need to live what we communicate.
This book is a great read for anyone. As someone preparing for ministry it is a good book to understand how to connect with people on a personal level where people feel a connection; whether it be personal, or in a church. Maxwell captures the importance of connecting with people in such a powerful way. I give it five stars and a must read! I was given this book to review from